Environmental monitoring delivering the highest level of protection

Securco offers fire, flood, carbon monoxide, and low-temperature monitoring to protect you and your business from dangerous and costly emergencies. Not only are these an essential part of a comprehensive security and protection system, but they also help to keep insurance costs low, saving you money.
Environmental monitoring will detect all of these threats allowing for immediate action before serious damage occurs. Our monitoring stations staffed by highly trained professionals ensure these alerts result in the most appropriate actions quickly.

Fire, smoke and carbon monoxide monitoring
A good and functional smoke alarm is essential equipment for any business, but our systems feature more than just a smoke detector. The smoke detector and fire alarms start by alerting people inside your business to get to safety, the alert also informs emergency professionals immediately so they can get to your business quickly to minimize damage. The detector and alarm systems can also be connected to custom lighting pathways to help direct people out of the building to safety. Less visible dangers, such as carbon monoxide, is a significant hazard, but with one of our systems, you can easily monitor and protect your business.

Low temperature warnings
Some businesses, such as cold storage facilities, computer servers, and specialty warehouses, depend on optimal temperatures and the ability to monitor the temperature. With Securco temperature monitoring systems you can ensure any temperature fluctuations don’t become a costly disaster for your business.

Flood monitoring
Water is a powerful force that can quickly and easily cause expensive damages. Even if your property is not in a floodplain, water can easily get almost anywhere. Our flood monitoring and alarm systems provide you with peace of mind knowing that your property is safe. Protect your commercial or industrial business by installing a quality flood monitoring system by Securco.